Results for 'David Allen Gilbert'

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  1. A Perceptual Account of Symbolic Reasoning.David Landy, Colin Allen & Carlos Zednik - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    People can be taught to manipulate symbols according to formal mathematical and logical rules. Cognitive scientists have traditionally viewed this capacity—the capacity for symbolic reasoning—as grounded in the ability to internally represent numbers, logical relationships, and mathematical rules in an abstract, amodal fashion. We present an alternative view, portraying symbolic reasoning as a special kind of embodied reasoning in which arithmetic and logical formulae, externally represented as notations, serve as targets for powerful perceptual and sensorimotor systems. Although symbolic reasoning often (...)
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    A Novel Approach to Business Ethics Training: Improving Moral Reasoning in Just a Few Weeks.David Allen Jones - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):367-379.
    I assessed change in students’ moral reasoning following five 75-min classes on business ethics and two assignments utilizing a novel pedagogical approach designed to foster ethical reasoning skills. To minimize threats to validity present in previous studies, an untreated control group design with pre- and post-training measures was used. Training (n = 114) and control (n = 76) groups comprised freshmen business majors who completed the Defining Issues Test before and after the training. Results showed that, controlling for pre-training levels (...)
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    Conspiracy numbers for min-max search.David Allen McAllester - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 35 (3):287-310.
  4.  23
    The French Enlightenment and its others: the Mandarin, the savage, and the invention of the human sciences.David Allen Harvey - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Philosophy in the Seraglio -- The wisdom of the East -- The New World and the noble savage -- The last frontiers -- The varieties of man -- An indelible stain -- The apotheosis of Europe.
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    Conceptual discontinuity involves recycling old processes in new domains.David Landy, Colin Allen & Michael L. Anderson - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):136-137.
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    Preface: where ghosts live.David Coughlan & Graham Allen - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (2):143-145.
  7. Instruction: In Malvin L. Barlow.Allen David - 1974 - In Melvin L. Barlow, The Philosophy for Quality Vocational Education Programs. American Vocational Association.
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    Speed scores obtained at random versus standard times under a continuous percentage weight loss.David Ehrenfreund & Joseph D. Allen - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (5):635.
  9. Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Volume 2: The Eleatics and Pluralists.David Furley & Reginald E. Allen (eds.) - 1975 - Routledge.
    The articles in this volume deal with the four major philosophical positions of the presocratic period: The arguments of Parmenides and Zeno against earlier or contemporary pluralist theories The three pluralist responses of Empedocles, Anaxagoras and the early Atomists.
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    Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Volume 1: The Beginnings of Philosophy.David Furley & Reginald E. Allen (eds.) - 1970 - Routledge.
    Collected in this volume are some of the most important articles published on the philosophy of the Greeks before Socrates. They cover: The nature of Presocratic thought The sources of our knowledge of the Presocratics The earliest philosophers up to Heraclitus.
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    Relative effects of acoustic and semantic relatedness on clustering in free recall.David Long & Gordon A. Allen - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):316-318.
  12.  30
    Cosmopolitanism and the enlightenment. [REVIEW]David Allen Harvey - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (2):336-338.
    This book, a Festschrift emerging from a December 2013 conference at the Huntington Library in honor of Anthony Pagden and his ground-breaking work in early modern cultural and intellectual history...
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    Reflections.W. H. Allen, Mary Parks, Spinoza, Gilbert Highet & Samuel Butler - 1988 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 8 (1):48-48.
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  14. Machiavelli: The Prince and Other Works; Including Reform in Florence, Castruccio Gastracani, On Fortune, Letters, Ten Discourses on Livy.Allen H. Gilbert - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:235.
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  15. The paradox of Dante's paradise.Allen H. Gilbert - 1928 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):100.
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    David Elliston Allen, The Naturalist in Britain: A Social History. [REVIEW]David Elliston Allen - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (3):493-494.
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  17. (1 other version)Studies in Presocratic Philosophy Edited by David J. Furley and R.E. Allen. --.David J. Furley & Reginald E. Allen - 1970 - Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  18. Studies from the psychological laboratory of the University of Iowa: On the effects of loss of sleep.G. T. W. Patrick & J. Allen Gilbert - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (5):469-483.
  19. 10. Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr., On Race and Philosophy Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr., On Race and Philosophy (pp. 454-456).Margaret Gilbert, Andrew Mason, Elizabeth S. Anderson, J. David Velleman, Matthew H. Kramer, Michele M. Moody‐Adams & Martha C. Nussbaum - 1999 - Ethics 109 (2).
  20.  84
    Reflexive-insensitive modal logics.David R. Gilbert & Giorgio Venturi - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):167-180.
  21.  52
    The Benefit Corporation.David Steingard & Jay Coen Gilbert - 2016 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 35 (1):5-15.
    Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of B Lab, discusses his vision for a “new economy” where business is a “force for good.” In this interview, Coen Gilbert provides an overview of how B Lab’s various initiatives—Certified B Corporations, the B Impact Assessment, B Analytics, GIIRS, and Benefit Corporations—function interdependently to accelerate a culture shift to redefine success in business. Coen Gilbert then focuses on the role of benefit corporations in this larger movement. The benefit corporation is a new (...)
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  22.  70
    A note on logics of essence and accident.David R. Gilbert & Giorgio Venturi - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):881-891.
    In this paper, we examine the logics of essence and accident and attempt to ascertain the extent to which those logics are genuinely formalizing the concepts in which we are interested. We suggest that they are not completely successful as they stand. We diagnose some of the problems and make a suggestion for improvement. We also discuss some issues concerning definability in the formal language.
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    Literary Criticism: Plato to DrydenLiterary Criticism: Pope to Croce.E. N. B., Allan H. Gilbert, Gay W. Allen & Harry H. Clark - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5):75.
  24.  38
    Logics of Ignorance and Being Wrong.David Gilbert, Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Mattia Petrolo & Giorgio Venturi - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (5):870-885.
    This article investigates the connections between the logics of being wrong, introduced in Steinsvold (2011, Notre Dame J. Form. Log., 52, 245–253), and factive ignorance, presented in Kubyshkina and Petrolo (2021, Synthese, 198, 5917–5928). The first part of the paper provides a sound and complete axiomatization of the logic of factive ignorance that corrects errors in Kubyshkina and Petrolo (2021, Synthese, 198, 5917–5928) and resolves questions about the expressivity of the language. In the second half, it is shown that the (...)
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  25.  43
    Neighborhood Semantics for Logics of Unknown Truths and False Beliefs.David Gilbert & Giorgio Venturi - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    This article outlines a semantic approach to the logics of unknown truths, and the logic of false beliefs, using neighborhood structures, giving results on soundness, completeness, and expressivity. Relational semantics for the logics of unknown truths are also addressed, specically the conditions under which sound axiomatizations of these logics might be obtained from their normal counterparts, and the relationship between refexive insensitive logics and logics containing the provability operator as the primary modal operator.
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    Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity.David H. J. Larmour, Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 2021 - Princeton University Press.
    In this collection of provocative essays, historians and literary theorists assess the influence of Michel Foucault, particularly his History of Sexuality, on the study of classics. Foucault's famous work presents a bold theory of sexuality for both ancient and modern times, and yet until now it has remained under-explored and insufficiently analyzed. By bringing together the historical knowledge, philological skills, and theoretical perspectives of a wide range of scholars, this collection enables the reader to explore Foucault's model of Greek culture (...)
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    Modular Sequent Calculi for Classical Modal Logics.David R. Gilbert & Paolo Maffezioli - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):175-217.
    This paper develops sequent calculi for several classical modal logics. Utilizing a polymodal translation of the standard modal language, we are able to establish a base system for the minimal classical modal logic E from which we generate extensions in a modular manner. Our systems admit contraction and cut admissibility, and allow a systematic proof-search procedure of formal derivations.
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    Two-Dimensional Tableaux.David Gilbert - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Logic 13 (7).
    We present two-dimensional tableau systems for the actuality, fixedly, and up-arrow operators. All systems are proved sound and complete with respect to a two-dimensional semantics. In addition, a decision procedure for the actuality logics is discussed.
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    Whiteness and difference in nursing.David G. Allen - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (2):65-78.
    This paper uses a semiotic, performative theory of language and post-colonial theory to argue that nursing's representations of ‘multiculturalism’ need to be grounded in a theory of whiteness, an historicized understanding of how ethnic/cultural differences come to be represented in the ways they are and informed by Foucault's notions of power/knowledge. Using nursing education and ‘cultural compentency’ as examples, the paper draws on a range of literatures to suggest more critical and politically productive ways of approaching difference from within nursing's (...)
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    The dynamics of cognition and action: Mental processes inferred from speed-accuracy decomposition.David E. Meyer, David E. Irwin, Allen M. Osman & John Kounois - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (2):183-237.
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    The language of ‘experience’ in nursing research.David Allen & Kristin Cloyes - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (2):98-105.
    The language of ‘experience’ in nursing researchThis paper is an analysis of how the signifier ‘experience’ is used in nursing research. We identify a set of issues we believe accompany the use of experience but are rarely addressed. These issues are embedded in a spectrum that includes ontological commitments, visions of the person/self and its relation to ‘society’, understandings of research methodology and the politics of nursing. We argue that a poststructuralist understanding of the language of experience in research opens (...)
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  32. The media and democracy : using democratic theory in journalism ethics.David S. Allen & Elizabeth Blanks Hindman - 2014 - In Wendy N. Wyatt, The ethics of journalism: individual, institutional and cultural influences. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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  33. Completeness results for some two-dimensional logics of actuality.David R. Gilbert & Edwin D. Mares - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):239-258.
    We provide a Hilbert-style axiomatization of the logic of , as well as a two-dimensional semantics with respect to which our logics are sound and complete. Our completeness results are quite general, pertaining to all such actuality logics that extend a normal and canonical modal basis. We also show that our logics have the strong finite model property and permit straightforward first-order extensions.
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    The preference of albino rats for free or response-produced food.Gilbert Atnip & David Hothersall - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (3):153-154.
  35. Philosophy of International Law.Allen Buchanan & David Golove - 2002 - In Jules L. Coleman & Scott Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Contrast Sensitivity Is a Significant Predictor of Performance in Rifle Shooting for Athletes With Vision Impairment.Peter M. Allen, Rianne H. J. C. Ravensbergen, Keziah Latham, Amy Rose, Joy Myint & David L. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363277.
    _Purpose:_ In order to develop an evidence-based, sport-specific minimum impairment criteria (MIC) for the sport of vision-impaired (VI) shooting, this study aimed to determine the relative influence of losses in visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) on shooting performance. Presently, VA but not CS is used to determine eligibility to compete in VI shooting. _Methods:_ Elite able-sighted athletes ( n = 27) shot under standard conditions with their habitual vision, and with their vision impaired by the use of simulation (...)
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    September 11th and the eminent practicality of poststructuralism.David Allen - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (1):1-2.
  38. Philosophy of International Law.Allen Buchanan & David Golove - 2002 - In Jules Coleman & Scott J. Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Close Obs.David Gilbert - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (2):134-134.
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    Recovery.David Gilbert - 2017 - Medical Humanities 43 (2):135-135.
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    Sponsorship, academic independence and critical engagement: A forum on shell, the ogoni dispute and the Royal geographical society (with the institute of british geographers).David Gilbert - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):219 – 228.
    (1999). Sponsorship, academic independence and critical engagement: A forum on shell, the Ogoni dispute and the royal geographical society (with the institute of British geographers) Philosophy & Geography: Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 219-228.
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    Sacraments and the State: Lessons from the Mexican Reforma.David Gilbert - 2011 - Catholic Social Science Review 16:167-180.
    The Mexican Reforma is often considered a classic example of the power struggles that occurred between church and state throughout the nineteenth century. However, since in this case both sides claimed to be Catholic, the most important battles in Mexico were actually intra ecclesiam. Ultimately, it was a fight over access to the sacraments that drove Mexico into civil war, transforming both the Church and society in the process. The current debate in the United States over allowing public figures who (...)
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    Pindar.David M. Robinson & Gilbert Norwood - 1947 - American Journal of Philology 68 (3):332.
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    Abstract: A History of the Notion of the Individual.Gilbert Simondon & David Gougelet - 2005 - Chiasmi International 7:55-64.
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    Separating the press and the public.David Allen - 1995 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 10 (4):197 – 209.
    This article analyzes testimony before four Congressional subcommittees, between 1972 and 1975, on a proposed federal shield law. it is argued that within the testimony the press articulates a public, professional mission, but it fails to clearly define who qualifies for protection as a journalist. Following Jurgen Habermas's idea of communicative ethics, it is suggested that the testimony reveals how closely journalism is tied to the public sphere, but also how questions of journalistic practice are raised outside of that public (...)
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    Discourse analysis and the epidemiology of meaning.David Allen & Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):163-176.
    This paper delineates a postmodern discourse analysis that is positioned within a semiotic theory of language. This theory of language foregrounds the performative aspects of language usage and provides the theoretical space from which to theorize the interrelationship between social organizations or structure and social agents or individuals. Our version of discourse analysis contends that social structure is enacted (production and reproduction) through the employment of various vocabularies: social structure is not something outside of, behind, or underneath these performances, and (...)
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    The Ethical Roots of the Public Forum: Pragmatism, Expressive Freedom, and Grenville Clark.David S. Allen - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (3):138-152.
    The public forum has been connected to the functioning of democracy, expressive freedom, and the media's role in society. While the public forum's legal contours have been examined, the ethical foundation of the public forum has not. Relying on archival research, this article argues that ideas about the public forum can be traced to the pragmatism of Grenville Clark, who influenced ideas about the public forum through his work on the American Bar Association's Bill of Rights Committee.
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    Gewirth: Critical Essays on Action, Rationality, and Community.Anita Allen, Lawrence C. Becker, Deryck Beyleveld, David Cummiskey, David DeGrazia, David M. Gallagher, Alan Gewirth, Virginia Held, Barbara Koziak, Donald Regan, Jeffrey Reiman, Henry Richardson, Beth J. Singer, Michael Slote, Edward Spence & James P. Sterba - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    As one of the most important ethicists to emerge since the Second World War, Alan Gewirth continues to influence philosophical debates concerning morality. In this ground-breaking book, Gewirth's neo-Kantianism, and the communitarian problems discussed, form a dialogue on the foundation of moral theory. Themes of agent-centered constraints, the formal structure of theories, and the relationship between freedom and duty are examined along with such new perspectives as feminism, the Stoics, and Sartre. Gewirth offers a picture of the philosopher's theory and (...)
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    University management and administration: A profession for the 2lst century.David Allen & Eddie Newcomb - 1999 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 3 (2):38-42.
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  50. The Ganser syndrome.David F. Allen, Jacques Postel & German E. Berrios - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges, Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 443.
    This chapter discusses the Ganser syndrome and gives a brief account on its clinical features. A significant number of clinicians in Europe continued accepting Ganser's basic postulates that the patients showed significant memory disorder and 'answers towards the question' within the framework of traumatic or reactive hysteria. In elderly patients, Ganser type symptoms may be indicative of the onset of dementia. Ganser syndrome raises the question of the interaction between concepts, ideology and clinical observation. The clinician must be aware that (...)
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